PornDollar Releases SigTrack Banner Tracker

Affiliate program PornDollar announced the release of a new signature tracking system. The program, SigTrack, keeps track of banner impressions and clicks on Webmaster boards and provides a variety of options to inform Webmasters of the performance of their banner.

SigTrack is free to use on any adult Webmaster board, and the bandwidth is provided by PornDollar. The program supports four banner sizes: 600, 468, 120, and 240.

“We saw the chance to develop something to help out Webmasters,” Jason of PornDollar told “I don’t think we’re going to make any money off it, but we wanted to give these guys something for free and have them like it, and we get a great branding opportunity, so this is a win-win situation.”

“We’re really ecstatic about the response we’ve been getting,” added Jason. “We’ve counted over 200,000 impressions since we launched it only two days ago.”

PornDollar promises a similar signature-tracking program for mainstream message boards in the near future.

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