Porn on the Playstation 2

This from ps2.ign. com: "We have word of a real pornographic adult videogame coming to the PlayStation2 console. This will not, we repeat, not be officially sanctioned by Sony (unless hell freezes over, but that's what may said about a PS porno game) and will not carry the PlayStation Seal of Approval. But it will come.

"The game is latest sequel in the Super Pore Heroine Ultra Vixen series. As many of you remember (and shame on you for knowing this), Pixis Interactive has created two other Ultra Vixen games -- Ultra Vixen: Super Climax, and UV: Demon Seed. The third game, titled Ultra Vixen Y3K, is being designed as a DVD game for PC. We now have official word from Pixis Interactive that this DVD adult entertainment product will be PS2 compatible.

"Pixis Interactive spokesman Andrew Drake, who we assume wishes to remain nameless, had this to say: "Ultra Vixen Y3K is a fully playable RPG DVD. Just toggle your PS2 control pad and you will have what will be the first ADULT PlayStation capatible game." The target audience for this game isn't your average hornball, but instead a general "PS2 enthusiast".

"How does it play? Ummm, we don't know. Probably like the other Ultra Vixen games, which none us have played... or will admit to playing. But here's the official word from Ultra Vixen herself: 'Its 24 hours and counting. The year 3000 is almost here. I've been given the ultimate responsibility, save the earth! Join me as I pilot an alien mech and use it's bio-morphing technology to stimulate me.' So, for those of you who were outraged by the loss of the alien tentacle sex in D2 on Dreamcast, it's all there on the PS2. Now never tell anybody that you ever read this.

"We can't provide you to the link of Pixis' site, but we're sure you dauntless mature individuals will find your way. If this article got your blood going, check out Pam Anderson on PlayStation and PS2 for more PlayStation Porn Friday goodness."