Porn in The Dorm

We talked to Vivid's Brian Gross and Raylene who have been on a Spring Break tour of Daytona and South Padre Island.

Gross: "You got my message? I just wanted to give you an update of what we're doing in South Padre."

G. Ross: "Please, because you're mother's been asking me."

Gross [laughing]: "Stop..I'm glad you said that. I better call her later or she's going to kick my ass...We got in last night and just partied hard at a place called Tequilla Frogs where we're hosting a party tonight. It's just unbelievable. I was tripping out because there were girls just running around topless. Like no big deal. Today we're going over to radio station KESO. Then we're doing a signing at a place called Cloud Nine which is a cool, hip clothing store out here. Then we're hosting the second Secret Society at Tequilla Frogs. The Secret Society is Vivid Video and Ecko Unlimited doing our national party-thing. We'll be coming to New York, Chicago, Atlanta.."

G. Ross: "What is the Secret Society?"

Gross: "When I met with the guys at Ecko last year we just hit it off and we wanted to create something really special. We wanted to create a world for people who understand sex and understand clothing and understand culture and who are just into it and want to be associated with a group - the coolest out there was Vivid and Ecko. The fact of the matter is, particulary during Spring Break, the hottest thing in college right now is porn at the dorms where everyone gets together, grabbing drinks and watching flicks. Last night everyone was running around with Vivid stickers, with Ecko stickers and wearing them everywhere and having a great time. Everyone loves Raylene and loves hanging out with her. It's nothing but positive. In about four days we've put ourselves in front of 600 to 800,000 college kids in two major cities. It's been awesome. It's a real breakthrough. We're going to cap it off tonight with our party at South Padre. The weather is gorgeous - sunny, about 80 degrees. Absolutely you have the big show tonight?"

G. Ross: "Yeah, XRCO."

Gross: "I had no idea that XRCO was this week."

G. Ross: "Guaranteed, you're going to be seeing more skin where you are, than we are."

Gross: "I believe that. Isn't that the irony.....I mean I'm watching these girls last night and I'm feeling really weird. I've stood ten feet away from sex but I'm watching these girls topless and just acting crazy. These girls didn't care. They were having fun."

G. Ross: "That's what makes that cool. In our business it's thoroughly the real world when that happens, it's like, holy shit, you don't expect that."

Gross: "That's what we're trying to do - create the unexpected. So much is expected when you're dealing with pornography. It's automatic. But we're trying to create an exciting image. The guys down here are freaking out that an actual adult film star is in town. People were so excited about Raylene being in a club last night. They know the stuff, but they don't see it in public. When they do, they're like, wow, that's so cool. I like seeing that. Being out at a major spot during a major festivity and being involved is nothing but positive. The sex is already here, and what we do is provide sex, so it's a beautiful mixture. I think we're doing it correctly. It's been an amazing experience."

[We then chatted with Raylene for a second.]

Raylene: "This has been such a great trip, but I'm so sick right now, though."

G. Ross: "Saw you on The X Show a couple of weeks ago."

Raylene: "How was it? I didn't get to see it."

G. Ross: "You looked did you get to be the designated Spring Break partier?"

Raylene: "I love going out and meeting people and stuff like that. I have fun wherever I go. It was Brian's choice to take me because he knows I'm going to have fun, but I'm so sick right now. [Laughing] I don't know what it best friend has never seen me this sick.....but we're having so much fun together....this is my first Spring Break, ever... I never did one in high school or anything. I'm having a really good time."

G. Ross: "You'll need a vacation from your vacation."

Raylene: "We've been on the road non-stop since December 27...dancing, promo, radio station-stuff. It's cool, though. But I never expected this to come my way. I'm using it to my advantage...wish I was feeling better."