Porn-Surfing Parole Officer Reinstated … with Raise

A Michigan parole officer who lost his job in 2004 for viewing pornographic websites while on the job has been reinstated to his post—with a raise.

Thomas DeLeon was fired when computer logs indicated his Internet viewing habits were consuming up to four hours of his workday.

DeLeon’s union appealed the firing, claiming the action was excessive for a first-time offense.

An arbitrator ruled that DeLeon’s employer, the Department of Corrections, had a policy of light discipline for first-time offenses, and that firing DeLeon was excessive punishment. The arbitrator added that DeLeon should have received a one-day suspension for his transgression.

The arbitrator cited 10 similar cases involving Department of Corrections’ employees and noted that none of them had been fired.

Department of Corrections’ officials were “stunned” by the arbitrator’s ruling, which allows for DeLeon to return to his post and receive an automatic pay raise. He also will receive $45,000 in back pay.