Porn Starlets Go Mainstream, Thanks to Director Nic Andrews

The Fallen Ones, starring Casper Van Dien, Robert Wagner, Kristen Miller and Tom Bosley has been shooting in the desert for three weeks. Saturday, August 28, was the production company’s last night in the desert. Starting this week, they’ll be shooting for another three weeks on a newly built soundstage in Burbank. This same location / valley was used for The Scorpion King, The Mummy, and several other desert-based productions.

The Fallen Ones is real mummy horror movie with creeps, chills, and gore. Distribution is slated for a theatrical release next spring / summer and a DVD deal through Anchor Bay Entertainment.

At first glance on the set, you see Hollywood stars rehearse with the director, the set designers placing the lavish set pieces, and the camera crew setting up the 35mm camera for a complex dolly shot—everything you’d expect to see on a big Hollywood mainstream production.

But on second glance, standing in the group with the director rehearsing the shots, you see porn starlets, Nautica Thorn and Avena Lee, and Hawaiian Tropics model Katie L’Heureux. They are not there just for background action, they are featured players in the film, appearing in dozens of shots, each including some very ambitious special effects shots that will be manipulated in post-production.

Another familiar face was that of adult director Nic Andrews (Loaded, Rush, Dark Angels). Then the connection made a little more sense.

Andrews gave me the lowdown.

“I had met with the production team several weeks ago about another project,” he said, “and they were familiar with who I was and what movies I had done before. After I left, they literally called me an hour later asking if I could help them out with a casting problem they were having.

“It turns out that the film called for three dark haired girls to be dressed as Egyptian slaves that carry in trays of bandages during the sacrificial wrapping scene. The outfits that wardrobe made were a little skimpy, not covering very much up. They hadn’t cast those parts yet because they knew they might run in to some problems asking mainstream actresses to wear these costumes. So they asked me if I could get them some responsible / reliable girls that would work for the production. I told them I was not an agent / manager / pimp—but I would try.

“I called Exotic Star Models (, run by September Dawn, Shelby Stevens and Stacey Valentine,” he continued. “They brought by several girls for me to choose through immediately. They were very gracious with their time and resources and I highly recommend their service. Avena Lee was booked for the show through them.

“Pretty Girl International ( provided me with Nautica Thorn, and Katie L’Heureux is the girlfriend of my friend Barrett Blade. She does a lot of the Skinamax movies and has a great work attitude.”

All three girls were very excited about being in the movie, not only because it was a Hollywood mainstream movie, but also because they were going to be in dozens of action / special effects shots. It was pretty safe to say that there was no way that they were going to left on the editing room floor like other porn girls who had been shot for Hollywood movies and then cut out.

When the girls came out of makeup and wardrobe, they were all beaming with delight.

“This outfit is fucking rad!” said Nautica Thorn. “I want to keep this … I’m gonna steal it when we are done.”

“I don’t see what the big concern was over the costume?” said Katie L’Heureux. “I wear less than this when I go out clubbing.”

They were whisked away in the “cast transport truck” across the valley to the set pieces where all the action takes place. The shooting schedule is hectic and there was a lot to cover during the night shoot, but all three girls, regardless of the time, were in good spirits.

“This is so cool and everyone is being so good to us,” said Nautica. “I am having the best time!”

Avena Lee added, “I’m in this shot that I am supposed to be scared of the mummy monster coming at me, but there was nothing there for me to react to. I guess they are going to put it in with computer FX later or something. Nic was watching the monitor when they were getting the shots and he said I looked great, so I am happy.”

The evening rolled on late into the night. The three girls were instructed to walk into frame and kneel down over a pile of bodies, pick up pieces and put them into a container and then quickly look up to see the monster coming.

On the first take, when Katie looked up to see the monster, her hands were still picking up pieces and putting them in the container. The director shouted, “Katie, when you look up, stop moving your hands, your are supposed to look scared!” She responded with “I can’t help it … I’m multi-tasking!”

Everyone on the set erupted with laughter, including the director! Cut! Hope that one makes it to the DVD extras.