Porn Publisher Al Goldstein Pleads Guilty to Harassment

Screw publisher Al Goldstein pleaded guilty Tuesday to harassing and stalking one of his ex-wives. Goldstein is already sentenced in Brooklyn to 60 days in jail on a separate charge for harassing a former secretary. rnrn

He admitted making obscene telephone calls to ex-wife Gena Goldstein and asking readers of his magazine and viewers of his X-rated cable television show to call her. rnrn

The 66-year-old publisher pleaded guilty to three counts of aggravated harassment and one count of stalking.rnrn

State Supreme Court Justice Renee White said she will sentence Goldstein to five years of probation and sign an order of protection requiring him to stay away from his ex-wife. rn rn

Gena Goldstein reported getting 13 harassing telephone calls after the porn purveyor called her a "lowlife" and described her in crude sexual terms on his TV show. rn rn

Goldstein is out on $25,000 bail pending appeal of his Brooklyn Criminal Court conviction and 60-day sentence for harassing the former secretary. Prosecutors said he printed her home address and threatened her over the telephone.rnrn

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