Porn Piracy Solutions May Arouse Music Executives

Call it porn logic.rnrn

The embattled music industry might be wise to take a few tips from the XXX world on dealing with its loyal legion of pirates, according to a report on

Exploit Systems CEO Scott Hunter says his company has created software that helps content providers put their legitimate versions of pirated material onto the file-share networks in such a way that it overwhelms the pirated versions of the same material. rnrn

The report said the software also influences the search engines of Kazaa, Gnutella and Limewire so that if a user searches certain keywords, they'll be more likely to find the legitimate version of the file they're seeking and download that. rnrn

When users try to open up the legitimate editions, though, they may be forced to pay for it and be sent to the porn company's homepage, or they may be allowed to watch it for free provided they give identifying information that could be used later for marketing purposes. rnrn

"If 15 percent of the roughly 150 million people on these networks are willing to pay for the content, that's 20 million customers," Hunter tells "It's foolish of any business to deny themselves the opportunity to make that sale." rnrn

Playa Solutions founder Jason Tucker insists the music industry could easily apply this technology. rnrn

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