Porn Actor/Politician Purged From Party

Sweden's Left Party's Haerryda chapter has purged councilor Goeran Eurenius over his part-time porn acting career - the party says he violated its feminist, anti-porn stance. Eurenius plans to appeal the decision.

A chapter leader, Bengt Andersson, told the newspaper Expressen that, while it isn't a crime in Sweden to act in a porn film, "morally, it is not acceptable." Eurenius has acted in 14 porn films.

He apparently expected the vote to purge him from the Left Party. In fact, his was the only vote against expelling him, with seven votes in favor of the purge. The move came under consideration after a cable television documentary on violent sex scenes sparked a public flap against porn.

Eurenius's case could still face a full party probe if it goes to the party executive. He holds one of the party's four council seats in Haerryda and says he'll keep his seat as an independent, though he'll continue voting with the Left Party, according to Expressen.