Plot Thickens in i-Candy Heist

Like the cop says in The Big Lebowski, when Jeff Bridges inquires about his stolen piece of shit automobile, "yeah, we got our boys working on it - in shifts." Not that Mara Epstein's stolen property from i-Candy can be considered pieces of shit, it's just that the break-in of her company several weeks ago seemed to be one of those capers that would go unsolved and wind up in the Robert Stack circular file. Au contraire.

According to Epstein, the boys that are working on it do have leads, and one of them seems to be pointing in the direction of an escort agency, of all things.

Epstein: "There seems to be a call girl service involved in this thing. A couple of DVD companies were knocked over, but there also were a couple of private citizens as well. One of the private citizens that was burglarized was in Woodland Hills. How the police came by that information was the fact they found these two guys that robbed my office. They were driving through Lake Elsinore. When I asked the police why they stopped them, they said it looked like Sanford and Son. But they were Caucasians. When the police stopped them going through this town they saw all this stuff. They asked for license and registration and found out the truck was stolen.

"The police investigated and found all this stuff on the truck. They went through files and found my name and called me. I went to Lake Elsinore and I.D.'d some of the nonsense that I don't need. What was really funny was there were boxes and boxes of pornography. It was bookstore-type of pornography. I said it wasn't my stuff. It turned out that the guy in Woodland Hills that this stuff belonged to [there were DVD players, TV's and other audio-video equipment also taken that linked the porno to this individual] uses a call girl service, and he was robbed by a call girl. I think the girl was either the sister or wife of one of the guys that robbed me. That's what we've found so far.

"I asked the police was I a victim or a target. They said too many pieces of the puzzle are missing....what I also recovered among the stolen property was books, magazines and my AVN's. The crooks took them."