Playboy’s ‘Night Calls’ Celebrates 10th Anniversary

Playboy TV’s popular call-in show Night Calls Live will celebrate its 10th year on the air with an anniversary special on Friday.

The program, hosted by Juli Ashton and Tiffany Granath, will recall some of the show’s most outrageous moments when it airs at 9 p.m. Eastern Standard Time and 10 p.m. Pacific Standard Time.

The show allows viewers to call in and pose provocative questions about relationships and sex with the show’s hosts and their guests. On a given night up to 100,000 calls are generated by the show, its producers say.

Since it premiered in 1995, the show has led to other popular spin offs like Night Calls Hotline, Night Calls 411, Private Calls and Night Calls UK.

Ashton, a school teacher turned adult performer in the 1990s, has hosted the program since its inception and was joined by professional dancer Granath in 1998 in doling out advice to callers.

“We’re not therapists, but we’re real people, which makes us more qualified,” Granath said.