Platinum Media Owners Speak at University of Maine

ORONO, Me.—As the spring semester winds down and spring fever sets in, how do you keep a class of 350 students interested in Human Sexuality? Dr. Sandy Caron, Professor of Family Relations/Human Sexuality at the University of Maine, invited Scott and Margaret Morgan, owners of Platinum Media, to come and speak at a class discussion on "pornography and obscenity."

After reviewing the textbook chapter titled, "The Sexual Market Place: Prostitution and Pornography," which read as though it were propaganda from the 1980s that had been presented by a conservative congressional commission, the Morgans felt it was only right to go and set the record straight with the young adults at the university.

The Morgans' presentation started off with a brief history of the adult industry, as well as how Platinum Media got started, and their distribution arrangement with Pulse Distributors. When polled by Dr. Caron, 82 percent of the audience had viewed adult movies. Before fielding questions from the students, Scott Morgan, President of Platinum Media, pointed out three key items.

"First off, we are in the adult entertainment industry, not 'pornographers'," Scott stated. "The adult movie industry has come a long way. We find the word 'pornographers' offensive, as do the police when they're referred to as 'pigs.' 'Pornography' is a strong word that puts a dark stigma to the industry." "We no longer make films in back rooms or basement studios behind black curtains," Margaret explained. "Our industry has become quite professional since the '60s and '70s."

"Second, most everyone in this industry wants to be in the industry," Scott continued.

"I love making adult movies," assured Platinum's contract model Mandi Michaels. "I don't feel exploited in any way, and who wouldn't want to get paid for doing something that they love to do anyway?"

Lastly, the Morgans pointed out that, "We are all voyeurs in our own ways. Young ladies like to dress to attract the eyes of young men. Young men take off their shirts while playing Frisbee, to show off their six-packs. We all look and fantasize. That's what adult movies are about: To see what we don't always see and to find pleasure watching others."

Surprising to all, the females of the class seemed to agree. When polled, all but 9 percent of the women said they have enjoyed watching and would continue to watch adult movies.

Margaret and Scott opened the floor to questions from the class, though after an hour, Dr. Caron had to bring it to a close.

"We could have spent the entire afternoon here," Margaret later commented. "I was very impressed with how receptive the class was.

Dr. Caron asked Platinum Media if they would mind being penciled in for future lectures, and the Morgans agreed to return during spring semester of 2012.