Pink Visual's Vivas Ponders 'Women and Porn' for

LOS ANGELES—Unlike many porn executives, male or female, Pink Visual's adorably unconventional Allison Vivas brings a decidedly nonconformist 'tude to her job. But nowhere is her unique approach to the industry more effectively on display than it is in the video she just made for, which tapped the chief executive to answer a few burning questions about pornography and women.

Vivas not only has fun with the three apparently serious questions about the porn industry—meaning, she answers them while simultaneously ridiculing them—but she also manages to literally have her man and eat him, too, all while keeping her clothes on! In doing so, she skewers the more persistent porn clichés by turning them on their head in a way that can't help but reinforce the general idea that women in porn retain more control than people like to believe, and the specific idea that in Vivas' case, more control means total control, even over the cliché.

The video is funny, smart and oddly titillating in a way that has absolutely nothing to do with the vast majority of porn. That may actually have something to do with PV's singularly distaff perspective, but it may also be a result of the company's general inclination to take nothing particularly seriously, even as it is making serious points.

The video opens to reveal Vivas writing in her online diary about the three questions, which, she muses, "are almost like they know my soul ... or read my diary."

The first question asks, "Does porn disempower women?"

She tells her diary, "Um, no ... it doesn't. I've had the privilege of learning about this by being exposed to lots of porn. Yes, like that other industry out there in L.A., there are some unrealistic female body types, but unlike Hollywood, there are a lot more average-looking female bodies, filling a range from chubby to flat-chested to pear-shaped to melon..."

In walks a pizza delivery guy, who plops the pizza down on the desk. The ensuing scene turns the normal scenario upside down. 'Nuff said. After he leaves, she returns to her diary, waxing poetic in a brief vagina monologue before moving on to the next question.

"What are some porn moves that guys should never use in real life?"

"Anal should never be a surprise," says Vivas in voiceover as she writes in her diary. "It should be treated like you're in talks with North Korea—many, many diplomatic sessions, and even if we agree to it, we'll probably renege on the deal later." 

The same man returns, this time as a plumber to "service her pipes."

"Wait a second," she retorts. "Take off that mustache."

"That's what I'm talking about," he says, pulling it off and starting to undo his belt.

"Stop. I'm calling security," she says, picking up the phone. He leaves, saying as he walks out, "I'll be back. You can keep the 'stache." On to the next question.

"Is there anything wrong with watching a lot of porn?"

"Diary," says Vivas, "I figure watching anything to the point where it impacts a person's ability to function is not a good thing. Whether it's porn or sports, if it prevents a person from getting to their job on time, there's a problem. But if a guy happens to have an hour every other night or so to himself, that's not abnormal. Statistically, we see most guys logging in three times a week for a 45-minute session."

Man returns, this time as pool boy, offering to "clean your pool, or the depths of your womanhood; your choice."

"I'm going to call the cops."

"Give me a second, I've got the costume, too."

She picks up the phone, whereupon he starts to leave, only to stop in his tracks.

"What now," she asks.

"Your eyes. They're like liquid blue when you're angry."

"Get back in here," she says, pushing the pizza off the desk and pulling him close to her.

There's one last joke and then the video fades to black. Pink Visual and Allison Vivas have answered the AskMen questions in their own inimitable way, by making a sexy video without any sex in it at all.