Pimpin' Ain't Easy: The Schwartz Is Still With Us

Extra interviews Scotty Schwartz sometime this week for a program to air, presumably, within the next couple of days or next week. We'll keep you informed on that score. But the reason for the interview is the fact that Schwartz is profiled in the current issue of Detour. Evidently, the rest of the world is taking note of a fact that we in the industry have been aware of for some time - that Schwartz, a former child star, has turned adult industry pimp. And that's how Detour piece runs.

Schwartz: "All of a sudden this Detour piece comes out and TV Guide picked up on it, too. It's really funny. It [the Detour piece] says how I went from child star to quote unquote, talent-pimp-manager. Wait till you read this article. I was asked do you care about being called a pimp. I said all managers and agents are pimps. All of them - ICM - we all do the same thing. We send a person out on a job, they do the work, we get a percentage, whatever the work is. You want to call me a pimp, they're a pimp, too. They wrote that in the article. It was great.

"But this does not mean that my crusade to beat up that asshole Max Hardcore has stopped."

[Gene sez: This was TV Guide had to say - Ex-Kid Star Branches Out Child star Scotty Schwartz has come a long way since he starred in The Toy opposite Richard Pryor and Jackie Gleason. "I'm a [porn] talent manager now," Schwartz tells the April issue of Detour. "A lot of people say 'glorified pimp.' " Schwartz says his own adult movie acting career was cut short after one film, Scotty's X-Rated Adventure [with Juli Ashton. "It was sink or float, man, and I sunk. I mean, I'm a big enough man to say, you know what, I sank faster than the Titanic."