Pertunda Rolls Out Revamped Adult Search Engine Directory

Pertundahas revamped its adult search engine directory to include static links as opposed to dynamic links, after what the company said was various client requests to change the directory structure and make it simpler.

"Every SEO company knows the importance of static links when being linked from internet directories or other Websites," said Pertunda spokesman Shaze. "Most, if not all, search engine spiders are unable to follow dynamic redirected links processed by CGI scripts, which does not help much in search engine rankings.

"What this means is that the owner of a Website isn't getting the Google PR value passed on to their Website, as well not getting credit for the anchor text link too his or her Website from the linking directory or Website," he continued. "Many Internet search directories in the adult industry currently offer dynamic links which don't do much as far as search engine optimization goes."

Pertunda is also looking to spread its success and aim at becoming a full portal with numerous interactive sections for visitors, Shaze said. "This will give our site 'stickiness' which will keep our visitors coming back on a regular basis"

For more information, including a listing for your site, visit