
Mark & Keri Windsor write: "Hi Gene, I just read your comments about the peeing incident. I just felt I needed to correct you on one thing. I had said to Mark Stone that I had sucked my own cock earlier that day on Dani's Hard Drive. Wearing a strap-on obviously. Although I wish I could lick my own pussy, I have to settle for sucking my strap-on dick. If I ever can figure out a way to lick my own pussy I promise to let you know !! LOL Lots of Tongues, Keri Windsor."

Gene sez: "It's easy for you to say 'obviously.' When I heard you talk about sucking your cock, I was reminded of my army days in Ft. Bragg when the boys from the south would refer to pussy as 'cock'. Imagine listening to a barracks-full of guys talking about eating cock. I drew the erroneous conclusion that you might have had similar southern heritage and actually meant pussy...anyway, it gets real complicated."