Peach Party RSVP Limit Approaches

Peach DVD and Orange County's club GLAM have teamed up to throw what just might be the sexiest Halloween Party of the Year. Over 2,000 fiendish freaks and erotic stars are expected as Club GLAM is transformed into a nightmarish sexatorium by none other than Gavin Haughey of Club Naked and the Gorgeous Ladies of Peach.

Cursed erotic thoughts of terror are upon you as you enter the first annual “Erotic Masquerade Ball” at Club GLAM on Thursday, October 28.

Enter the erotic realm of rancid decay and mingle the night away in two horrific areas, The House Of Whores and The Witches' Woods. DJs Lady Tribe, Dexterious, la Rok, Cre-8, Saint Nick, and Swurve haunt The House Of Whores with a musical stew of club, hip-hop and top-40 hits.

Naughty behavior is expected and outright encouraged, as the cameras will be rolling to capture all the sinful action for the next Peach DVD Underground release.

Be sure to get in early and enter the $1,000 costume contest hosted by the Peach Girls. Prize money will be handed out to the winners of the funniest, most original and sexiest costumes. Costumes are not mandatory but will get you in free before 10 p.m.

Peach Girls and friends can choose to get the party started by climbing aboard the Peach Girl party bus. Reserved for ladies only there will be convenient pickup and drop off locations in the Valley and in Hollywood.

There will be a private VIP section especially for the Peach DVD guests, with enough drinks to keep the party going and going and going.

RSVP's must be received no later than Wednesday, October 27, with a complete head count (you ?). Also, attendees must make known if they want to ride on the party bus and if any girlfriends will be accompanying.

RSVP's can be made by email to [email protected] or by phone at (818) 908-9663.