Peach DVD Party at Rain in Las Vegas

Peach DVD, in conjunction with Revolver Magazine and The Palms Hotel and Casino, will be holding a party at Club Rain In The Desert, Thursday evening January 9, 2003. rnrn

The Peach Girls will be present and during the party, Revolver Magazine will be taking photographs in the VIP section of the club for an upcoming spread in their magazine. rnrn

To keep the party moving, Speed garage DJ Christopher Aralius will be spinning on the main dance floor, and there will also be a chillout room upstairs. rnrn

T-shirts, Peach DVDs, and copies of Revolver Magazine will be given away at the event.rnrn

The party starts at 11:00 with no set ending time. Only those with proper laminates, which can be obtained from Peach DVD staff, will be allowed into this exclusive event. rnrn

For your pass please contact Jim Monroe, TJ Direda or Robbie Conley at Peach DVD by emailing [email protected] or calling 800-822-8339.