Pasties: The Beginning of the End?

I have a feeling this [the Supreme Court decision] is kind of the beginning of the end," the National Caberet Association's Mike Ross lamented. "Unless everybody gets their act together.

"Here's the thing that makes this interesting," Ross added. "No matter what happens, at some particular point in time, we're going to have to turn around and go through this whole process again because some city like Los Angeles, Sacramento, San Diego, Philadelphia is going to challenge these guidelines depending on how the local ordinances are written. As a result, we're going to wind back up in court. And that's the interesting thing. We never seem to get our butts out of court. There are going to be states where there will definitely be legal challenges. There are a lot of dollars and cents issues involved here."

Ross: "So far this morning I sent out my newsletter to everybody with this story. This thing came down about 10:30 AM our time. I think we had a pretty good response. We dropped everything we were doing to get this information out. We've changed the way everybody's getting their information. In the past it would have taken two weeks for something like this to be known. Now, within at least two hours of it happening, at least one-half the industry knows about it.

"A decision like this can affect everybody's livelihood from the guy who mops floors to the dancers who work in the clubs. Everybody has to be on the same page with this. Let's put it this way. I don't know what the media spin is going to be, but I have a feeling it's not going to make us look very good. I don't think people should be shocked but they should be shocked into action."