Panama Summit a Networking Success

The inaugural Panama Summit, hosted by Klixxx co-publisher Fabian Feb. 16-18 in the charming and historic Central American paradise of Panama, was designed to provide the digital adult industry with a high-level networking event where company owners and executives could assemble in small groups in a relaxed atmosphere.

"My personal goal for the summit was that everyone went home with an eventual payout in multiples of what was invested in time and funds to attend the event," Fabian explained.

The summit was very well organized, and a great deal of attention was paid to every detail to insure the overall goal was achieved. In order to respect attendees' privacy, no photos were allowed and attendee names were not released.

"I feel that Fabian and his team did a superior job with this event, and commend them on their accomplishment," said AVN Media Network Chief Executive Officer Darren Roberts, who in keeping with the event's tone, declined to mention any of the companies or attendees represented. "The Klixxx team created an environment that produced real business results."

Klixxx also hosts the Island Gathering in Curacao, the next incarnation of which is scheduled for Oct. 18-22.