Pachard Recovering from Cancer Surgery

AVN Hall of Fame director Henri Pachard is recovering from major cancer surgery a month ago.

"I had what’s called Squamous Cell Carcinoma in my gum," Pachard said. "They cut that out and took a piece of my leg bone and put that in its place and rebuilt the inside of my face. They gave me a tracheotomy so I could breath and I have a feeding tube still in me so liquid food can go directly into my stomach. I had four surgeries all at once."

The surgery has affected Pachard's speech, but his sense of humor is still in tact.

"I guess I've talked enough," he joked.

Pachard plans to begin chemotherapy and radiation treatment in early January after the AVN Adult Entertainment Expo.

"They think they got rid of it, but they have to do chemo and radiation to make sure they got it all out," Pachard said. "I'm on the mend and I'm getting stronger. I'm too mean to die."

Pachard got back on set last week, shooting an all-girl orgy with Rob Spallone for Legend Video.

He plans to spend the holiday weekend relaxing with family.

"I need another month or so of resting," he said. "When I start the radiation treatment, it will be five days a week for seven weeks and it'll probably just knock me out."

He added, "I want to pass this word along. I wish everbody a happy holiday and great new year. The greatest gift of all is to be alive and be on the right side of the grass."