It was bad enough when an 11-year-old Swiss-American boy was arrested on incest charges and touched off a furor in Switzerland - police here now say his parents ran an adult video business from their home.

Andreas and Beverly Wuthrich fled back to Switzerland after their son's arrest, says the Denver Post, which says Ultimate Fantasies, the couple's home-based business which they registered in July, was an adult video production company.

But Beverly Wuthrich has denied any involvement in an adult video company on NBC's Today. And the furor in Switzerland was triggered by the image of such a young boy taken away in handcuffs, which CNN says the Swiss could not understand.

Eleven-year-old Raoul Withrich was arrested on aggravated incest charges after a neighbor reported she saw him fondle his five-year-old sister inappropriately. Mrs. Wuthrich told Today he was actually helping her go to the bathroom.

The Wuthrichs have dual citizenship in the U.S. and Switzerland but Mrs. Wuthrich says they fled when authorities told them their other children might be taken from them. Raoul stayed in a juvenile detention center from Aug. 30 until a court hearing Tuesday, after which he was placed in a foster home.

He has another juvenile court hearing Nov. 8.

The Post says records show Mrs. Wuthrich having pleaded guilty last year to a misdemeanor child-neglect charge with a second similar charge pending. She was ordered to parenting classes and fined $78, according to court records cited by the newspaper. Authorities say it involved the children being left home alone and unsupervised, but not an abuse case.