There were snow flurries Monday afternoon and they floated fresh talk about reviving Princeton University's banned Nude Olympics, but the campus newspaper says says planning for alternatives has been in the works for several months.

The Daily Princetonian says sophomore class leaders advocate a beach party as a likely replacement for the Nude Olympics, an annual naked run through Holder Courtyard. But the paper also says many speculate whether anyone might have a go at risking a year's suspension to uphold the longtime Princeton tradition.

Sophomore class president Ben Shopsin tells the Princetonian sophomore officers have worked on plans for an activity to be held on the first full snowfall in place of the Nude Olympics, with ideas including a bonfire on Cannon Green surrounded by a host of other activities. But that proposal failed to meet state fire regulations, so other alternatives like the beach party, a food fight, and a snowball war on Poe Field have been considered.

But sophomore officers tell the Princetonian almost nothing matches the spontaneity and "excitement" of the Nude Olympics. Shopsin tells the paper that administrators have been receptive to a first snowfall night event but he didn't think they understood the significance of it completely.

"In the administration's eyes," Shopsin says, "this event is dead." But the university's public safety division tells the Princetonian any sophomores who run in defiance of the Nude Olympics ban will be dealt with, including using digital cameras to identify anyone who does run.