Students seeking an alternative to Princton University's now-cancelled Nude Olympics tradition got the green light to send the administrator who pushed to stop the ritual up in smoke - they'll be allowed to burn him in effigy.

Last week, Princeton approved a sophomore class proposal to burn Dean of Student Life Janina Montero in effigy, for heading the committee which banned the decades-old sophomore rite, says the Bergen Record. Montero led the committee after ten participants in last year's Nude Olympics were hospitalized for alcohol poisoning in January, the paper says.

Her spokesman told the paper she approved the effigy plan. "She's going along with it because she understands that the kids want to do something that feels spontaneous and illicit," says Justin Harmon. "She's being a good sport."

A better sport than others among the student body who say the effigy is inappropriate, says the Record. "An effigy denotes a real violent, hateful event, and I hope that Princeton students don't respond violently to the canceling of the Nude Olympics," says student body president Spencer Merriweather.

Sophomore class president Ben Shopsin tells the paper the effigy had been meant as a joke at first, but the university rejected other alternatives, such as a tropical party, bathing suit party, bonfire, and snowball war.