Seven high school students - including four football team members - who asked female classmates to participate in a porn film, have been suspended from school.

The Cibola High students were suspended for most of last week and returned to school last Friday. Principal Linda Sink tells the Albuquerque Journal they also attended a day-long class on sexual harassment.

Sink says it began as a joke but she thought it became harassment after awhile, when the girls in question came to the school administration for help. School authorities learned of the porn prank Nov. 4, and one of the girls has reportedly filed a battery complaint with police.

The school's head football coach, Ben Schultz, says none of the players involved in the pranks would start a pre-playoff game this week, though they'll be in uniform and eligible to play.

Cibola ninth-graders are required to attend harassment seminars at the school year's beginning, Sink says, adding that the boys and girls involved in the porn prank are advised for now to stay away from each other.

"These are still good boys," Sink tells the Journal. "They were just doing dumb things. They weren't thinking."