Those sexy cover headlines on Cosmo, Glamour, and other women's magazines at the checkout lines aren't exactly stirring those who responded to a poll taken by an interfaith media watchdog group.

The poll by Wirthlin Worldwide, commissioned by the group Morality in Media, found that, out of more than a thousand Americans 18 and over, 73 percent say those kind of headlines are not appropriate, while 22 percent say they are.

Among women, the poll says, 81 percent say those headlines are not appropriate and 14 percent say they are.

But what about a policy of covering up the cover headlines? According to the poll, 60 percent said yes, 35 percent said no, with 64 percent of the women polles saying yes and 30 percent saying no.

Conservative News Service says MIM sent a letter to over 350 national and regional supermarket chains in July asking their chief executive officers to cover up the sexy headlines to keep young children from seeing them.

A spokesman for Glamour told CNS the magazines aim for mature women and not young children, and that a lot of the cover information goes beyond or doesn't even deal with sex.

The poll's margin of error was plus-or-minus 3-point-1 percent at a 95 percent confidence level.