We couldn't make this one up if we paid for it: a Florida telephone sex operator has won a workers compensation claim for - believe it…or not - claiming she developed carpal tunnel syndrome after masturbating regularly at work.

Reuters says the woman's attorney, Steven Slootsky, stated he wasn't sure whether her claim was the first of its kind, but he acknowledged it was out of the ordinary. Slootsky tells Reuters the woman has agreed to a minimal settlement, but they haven't disclosed it.

The woman worked as a phone sex operator for CFP Enterprises of Fort Lauderdale, and said she masturbated as much as seven times a day while talking with callers. "She was told to do whatever it takes to keep the person on the phone as long as possible," Slootsky tells Reuters.

She apparently used one hand to answer the phone and the other to note a customer's name, fetishes, and give herself an orgasm during their conversations.