PETA Promotes Pasties, Foregoes Fur

- Sin City contract-performer Karina sat topless on a bed on Rodeo Drive, the heart of the Beverly Hills shopping district, to protest fur as part of a publicity campaign for People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA).


Karina was joined by three other women and one man, none of them involved in the adult industry, who all sat topless on the bed for one hour, holding heart-shaped signs that read "Fur Out, Love In." The four women wore matching black bottoms.

The protesters remained on the bed for an hour - even when it started raining half way through the protest.

The demonstration was right outside the door of Gianfranco Ferre, a fur boutique. The few people wearing fur that passed by during the protest refused to take fliers, and briskly walked to another place.


Karina, who has been active in PETA for four years, told that she supported PETA because "It's not humane and it's not even necessary to harm animals just for their fur. We have a choice of how we use our bodies, animals don't."

"Fur is out, compassion is in" and "Compassion is the fashion" were shouted throughout the protest, with Karina adding in her own slogan "They were anally electrified for their fur."

Even though there are large amounts of leather and furs that show up in adult films, Karina had no problems with her job. "I try to avoid using animal products in anything I do," she said.

"Sin City lends support to the convictions of all of their employees," said Sin City spokesperson Scott Stein. "If any industry is sympathetic to freedom of speech it's the adult industry - and Sin City is no exception to that."

At least seven police officers were present, which one officer described as standard procedure for protests. One officer videotaped the proceedings, while another officer took stills of both those participating in the event, and those who were there.

At 1 p.m., the scheduled time for the event to end, Karina and her fellow protesters donned robes and left the site.

One PETA volunteer noted that porn stars are always easy to spot at PETA events. "They're the ones that are very comfortable with nudity," she said.