From our Caught With His Pants Down Department: A part-time county jail guard was allegedly driving intoxicated while caught at a traffic stop with his pants down and a Viagra pill in his car.

And the guard, Matthew Serene, tells APBNews too much is made of the incident, which he blames on continuing trouble with a Ford City police officer. He also says the Viagra belonged to his father.

He was charged Monday with driving under the influence and possession of drug paraphernalia. His blood alcohol level was reported at .105, just above Pennsylvania's legal limit of .10. The incident occurred Aug. 7.

Police say he wasn't charged until this week because they were waiting for a blood test result, which ultimately showed he had marijuana and cocaine in his system. When he was stopped, he was driving in his boxer shorts and had a Viagra pill in his hand.

Serene says he was in his underwear because he had spilled a drink on his slacks and took them off. He also tells APB he was driving his father's car, and that his father, David, has a prescription for Viagra.

"As far as I know, that's not really a crime," Serene tells APBNews. "And to me, boxers are a pair of shorts. Come on, now." He says he and others have had problems with the arresting officer, Jason Hufhand, who could not be reached for comment, APBNews says.

Serene isn't suspended from the jail but he's off the work schedule until the case is resolved.