One2One Contest Winners Announced:

Totem Cash's Rex took first prize and Platinum Dave of PlatinumBucks took the runner up prize in's live show upsell contest, the results of which were announced at the company's VIP Scotch and Cigar Party during Internext earlier this month.

Rex from TotemCash – which promotes at, with free content and earning 15 percent more per sale than any other live show upsell – accepted first prize from business development director Bjorn Skarlen, winning over what called a crowded field including the top paysite programs in adult cyberspace.

The prize means a dream vacation to the Formula One Monaco Grand Prix, flying first class to Cannes and then helicopter transportation over the Mediterranean to Monaco for a front row view of all four days of racing's premier Grand Prix event. It also means an exclusive stay in a $3,000-per-night luxury apartment with a large terrace overlooking the famous race course curves, and VIP events at night meeting the top F1 drivers and other international celebrities.

Platinum Dave should love his runner up prize, being an avid scuba diver, said – he'll be flown from Toronto to the Florida Keys, staying "within inches" of the waters and exploring the famous coral reefs.

Adding brings affiliate adult Webmasters free live content including free live chat, free photos, and free videos, and benefits from some of adult cyberspace's highest converting promotional materials, advanced streaming technology, highest payouts, and "hundreds of high class girls."

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