Ohio Village Zoning Laws Ready For Adult Businesses – If Ever Needed

With a population of 2,637, this Ohio village in Clermont County hasn't drawn the attention of a single adult business to date, but they're already revising their laws to make sure that if they one day grow big enough to support one, it won't be able to move downtown or near one of their nine churches.

"Over the next 20 years, we're going to see a lot of growth this way. Along with that growth comes any kind of business. We want to be ready for that," said Councilman Kevin Perkins, a member of the planning commission.

Revisions approved by the planning commission last week go in front of the city council next week, then on to a public hearing, then a possible vote. If voted into law, adult businesses won't be able to locate in the downtown area of the village, near a school or a church.

"We understand that we can't zone a business out of existence, but we can make it a very narrow place for it to be able to locate," said chairman of the planning commission Ron Dunn.

Dunn said he and Vice Mayor Walter Carter are reviewing zoning maps to be sure the revisions would allow for an adult business to locate somewhere in the village despite heavy restrictions