Nurses of the 407

Good news, bad news. The good news is that as a result of stories written about the missing sex scene in the Marilyn Chambers/John Holmes film Up and Coming that never made it to the DVD version put out by i-candy Entertainment, a fan sent i-candy's Mara Epstein a VHS copy with the missing Holmes/Chambers sex scene intact. The bad news is that it was stolen in a break-in of Epstein's headquarters. Hoping for better luck, i-candy releases Nurses of the 407 on DVD the third week of April. "It looks fabulous," says i-candy's Mara Epstein. "It's hysterical. The casting, particularly Paul Thomas, is great." Epstein said that Bill Margold and Gloria Leonard are doing the audio commentary. "The two of them talk about the old times and the people who were cast as nurses," Epstein adds. "A lot of the women who played nurses had short-lived careers. One of the girls was Sharon Mitchell's girlfriend. And it really has a lot of production value. It's fun to see these classics. It looks so Mash-like. I even remember the premier for it in the old days. They had it at the Directors' Guild.

"We also found a lot of stills that have never been published, and Jesie St. James is great in it," Epstein added. "It also has Jon Martin." [Others in the cast include Kathleen Kristal, Lynx Cannon, Mantra Stark, Tigr, Laura Wren, Herschel Savage, Joey Silvera and Rock Steadie.]

Regarding the break-in of i-candy two weeks ago, Epstein says she has a meeting with her detective on Thursday. "I sort of stormed in there the other day and said the trail is still hot. Let's get going. He said, very Columbo-like, 'if there is a trail, it would be there no matter what.' I went okay. We gotta detect something. I'm staring at a tissue box. a roll of paper towels and a basket of pencils."