Nudes At Landmarks Outrage Mayor

Mayor Bob Price is hot over some nude photographs - but not the way you think. He's steaming over the Hometown Girls May 2000 issue, which features a photo spread of nude or semi-nude women at several Bakersfield landmarks. Two women posed at the Bakersfield sign and City Hall, among other places. Price says he wasn't just disgusted - he was prodded to ask police and the district attorney to investigate whether prosecutions should be brought for indecent exposure and even possible use of minors.

WESTMINSTER, CO. - These men got an eyeful all right... they expected a striptease, but got faces full of Mace instead. Police here think this is a slightly unusual scam, in which men, lured by classified ads for "hot sexy" striptease acts by a 19-year-old, pony up even more money for sex - but when the sex didn't materialize for these customers and they complained, a bodyguard sprang into the room and hit the men with pepper spray before disappearing with the stripper. Two stings in the last couple of weeks have brought in five arrests in this scam, police say. The probe began with letters outlining the scam over several months. Though the letters were unsigned and had no return addresses - most likely due to embarrassment, which police say was precisely what the perpetrators counted on for a successful cover. But just weeks ago came a letter with more details, leading investigators to a newspaper ad and, in due course, to Ten Plus Entertainment. The first sting led to three busts; but officers got Maced during that sting. Four people now also face charges of assaulting police officers and resisting arrest, as well as theft and prostitution. They're Stephen Wallace, Hans Anderson, Dianna Terrazas, and Heather Heyse. The second sting nailed Terrazas, Anderson, and Edward Zeilstra.

TAMPA, FL. - She befriended teens at a school bus stop and took them home for sex and porn. Patricia Burmeister seduced the boys and girls (ages 12-15) by letting them skip school, drink alcohol, and watch porn films at her home, police say. A police spokesman wouldn't detail the things she did, except to call them "just disgusting." The 32-year-old woman is charged with performing lewd and lascivious acts on a child, contributing to the delinquency of a minor, and providing alcohol to a minor. Nine victims are known so far, but police believe there may be more. Her own two children - the younger of whom she's accused of physically abusing - have been placed with relatives, but they're not believed to have been involved in the sexual activities. Burmeister is in jail in lieu of $94,000 bond.

--- Compiled by Humphrey Pennyworth