Nude Dancing Isn't Adult Entertainment!

Former Riviera City Attorney Andrew DeGraffenreidt may have tried a novel twist when he argued May 22 on behalf of a Singer Island nightclub - claiming nude dancing isn't adult entertainment because it isn't meant to provide sexual stimulation. DeGraffenreidt is attorney for the Fathoms Lounge, closed after being hit with a pile of code violations. The ironies abound - before he was fired as Riviera City Attorney, he had overseen the adoption of Riviera's 1994 adult entertainment law limiting adult businesses to industrial zones and then with special council permission. nrnFathoms was turned down for a license in March because it's in a commercial zone, but DeGraffenreidt argues the club isn't an adult establishment - because its intent "is not to provide sexual stimulation or gratification to customers" as city law bans. nrnThe club first brought in topless dancers in 1994 and subsequently was closed twice for code violations. A Palm Beach judge ruled in 1995 that Fathoms could present nude dancers or sell liquor - but not both. nrnDeGraffenreidt was City Attorney until he was fired for giving too many city lawsuits to outside law firms and spending city time on his private practice, settling with the city for $120,000 after he sued for breach of contract.