Ninn Worx Enters Final Phase of <i>Catherine</i> Project

After hundreds of hours of planning and production, director Michael Ninn has coordinated the power of three edit bays to begin the process of bringing his vision of Catherine to life.

Capitalizing on the color depth and contrast ratios only available when shooting on film, Ninn has set his sights on tying European scope and drama with Los Angeles aloofness and chic. In a story of a woman wondering where the love went in her life, where guardian angels can take on bizarre and grotesque shapes, Ninn plans to open a breathtaking depth of experience.

Ninn says raw sexuality in the adult genre remains the most common (and achievable) of goals. However, with the pure combination of this raw sexuality and a much more difficult to capture raw emotion, magic happens.

Catherine stars Audrey Hollander in the title role and also features Nikki Blonde, Victoria Swinger, Adrianna, and Kristine Laura with male performers Otto Bauer, Mike Foster and Bruno. It is scheduled for release on Sept. 12 through Ninn Worx/Pure Play Media.