Nightmoves' Art Koch Recovering From Serious Heart Attack

TAMPA, Fla.—Art Koch, national features and DVD editor/reviewer for NightMoves Magazine for nearly thirty years, suffered a heart attack this morning in Tampa, Florida. Koch was rushed to an area hospital, where doctors operated on the long-time industry film critic, who is currently resting in the hospital’s Cardiac Intensive Care Unit/Coronary Care Unit (CCU).

“Art came into the office just like he has for the past 26 years,” said Paul Allen, publisher and founder of NightMoves. “He complained of chest pains and went to the Urgent Care across the street, which then rushed him to the ER. We have been told he was extremely lucky to have come in when he did; Tracy [Allen, editor of NightMoves Magazine and co-producer of the NightMoves Awards] and I are with him at the hospital as is [Koch’s partner] Carole, and will share updates as quickly as we can.”

Koch’s condition is commonly referred to as a “widow maker” heart attack – where the proximal left anterior descending coronary artery of the heart is abruptly and completely blocked. Twenty-five percent of those who suffer this devastating attack never make it to the hospital; in Koch’s case, doctors inserted a stent and are closely monitoring his progress.

The outpouring of support and well wishes for Koch was immediate on both Paul Cianci’s and Koch’s Facebook pages. At this current time, he is unable to receive cards, flowers or calls while in CCU; friends and colleagues are encouraged to post words of support and well wishes to Art Koch’s Facebook page.

Since 1989, Art Koch has been the editorial and DVD reviews face of NightMoves Magazine, All Adult News and the NightMoves Awards, working as Cianci’s right-hand man. His critical film reviews have been praised for their in-depth quality, personal touch and attention to detail by industry production companies and performers alike, and his warm, charming personality has made him loved by everyone he has met. The 79-year-old veteran reviewer and voting member of multiple award committees was recently awarded a Lifetime Achievement Award at the 2014 NightMoves Awards.

“People love adult movies, and as long as they love it, I’ll keep reviewing them,” Koch recently said. We all sincerely hope for a speedy recovery.