"Nicole Bass Kicked The Shit Out of Me!"

Somebody must be spiking the office coolers out there, but it seems like there's an awful lot of aggression right now. Add this one to the, I bitch slapped Kid Vegas file. Ev, a handsome guy who submits his body to things like nose rings, tattoos and sundry piercings, tells us how wrestler Nicole Bass beat him up during the shootingof her new Fem-Dom series. As you'll recall, we just interviewed pro wrestler/bodybuilder Bass who's not only wrestling in Rob Black's XPW league but is carving out some new territory for herself in adult cinema. Bass stands 6'2" and 230 pounds. Enuff said.

Ev: "I did a bondage video with Nicole and she abused me in various and sundry ways. I was slapped, I was punched in the face. She humiliated me by making fun of my body jewelry, my manicure, my pedicure. She flogged me. She beat me with cable wire. She did a lot of bad things.

"I was referred to Lizzy Borden and Rob Black of Extreme by Ellen Thompson of Fetish Magazine. They said I was going to do a video with a wrestler. First, I thought of different wrestlers I've heard of before [Big Dick Dudley came to mind he said].

"I'm glad his was a female wrestler. I thought of girls like Chyna and Sable. When I met Nicole in person she was very intimidating. She was very nice before the shoot, then all the niceness went away when the cameras started rolling. [Nicole went into character.]

"I had read about Nicole. I've seen pictures of Nicole. I had not actually seen her wrestle until Wednesday and being wrestled. I wasn't doing too good in that department. There was some yelling, some whimpering."

[Ev was asked if he was ably compensated for the humiliation.]

Ev: "Yeah. Definitely. Extreme was extremely generous. I was surprised. I thought it was going to be a check's in the mail situation. Actually they said to come down to the office. I stayed for the rest of the shoot and it was exciting as well. Another guy, who had done some straight adult films, was questioning before the shoot whether Nicole was a woman. He said, 'I've never done work with a transvestite before.' Word got back to Nicole, so I think she may have been a little harder on him than she was on me. He seemed to get it pretty good. He had been a professional boxer at one point. His arms were instantly up when she got ready to throw a punch. That just pissed her off more. I considered blocking or throwing a punch, but she told me before we started, 'The harder you fight me back, the worse it's going to be.'

"I'm 6'1" and Nicole is at least an inch or two over me. And she definitely outweighs me. Dick Dudley was joking with me and said I should consider doing some of their wrestling videos - maybe wrestling some of the other girls in the ring. I asked him if they had a featherweight class. Who's the skinniest adult film star?

"But it was a lot of fun. I haven't been punched in the face in a long time, anyway, much less by a woman. Normally you don't want to hit a woman back because you have that advantage. In this case I didn't have the advantage. I didn't hit her back because I didn't want to get it worse. She did make my mouth bleed because I had my piercings in. She caught me in the mouth and one of my piercings cut my gum. My gums were bleeding. She said, 'What are you bleeding for?!'

"In another instance she slapped me so hard, my freshly pierced earring flew out of my head. Everybody got a big laugh."

[Ev, by the way is Ellen Thompson's ex. Ellen slyly suggested that the Bass arrangement was her way of getting even.]