Nick Manning Sets Sights on Single Life

They weren't married to each other, but much was made of the two year union between performers Nick Manning and Shay Sights, the end of which was announced last week in Las Vegas. rnrn

"The gossip press made it out to be bigger than it was," Manning told from the home he still shares with Sights, "but all good things run their course." Manning says he felt that a commitment to Sights was too limiting, even with their admittedly open relationship. He wanted to be a single man again.rnrn

Manning and Sights met while performing non-sex roles for a Playboy shoot two years ago and immediately hit it off. "We went to Barfly afterward and it's been legendary ever since."rnrn

"People were angry (over the split) because they were saying this was a 'porn dynasty'," Manning continued, "but given what we do, what's the point of a committed relationship?"rnrn

But you made such a cute couple...rnrn

"You could stick a stump next to Shay and people would be like, 'Oh, cute couple'," Manning said. "(And) Shay's a strong chick.; she'll do fine without me."rnrn

Manning is now committed to his 12-month/15 title deal with Wildlife as well as his own Fans Have Spoken... series in addition to Michael Ninn's Lost Angels.rnrn

"Shay is one of the most wonderful women," Manning told "We'll always e a part of each other's lives."