News Briefs - industry updates

Mike Ross, of posts the following: On March 15, 2000 the Idaho Legislature heard tesitomony with respect to H 724.

In general, H 724 .............. Deals with SEXUALLY ORIENTED BUSINESS - Adds to and amends existing law to require that sexually oriented businesses and their employees must obtain a license from the Department of Law Enforcement; to provide legislative intent and findings; to provide application to existing businesses; to provide contents of license applications and license fees; to provide for issuance And expiration of licenses; to prohibit certain acts and to provide for suspension and revocation of licenses; to provide for hearings and appeals; to provide for hours of operation and inspections of businesses; to allow for local regulation; and to provide that certain records are confidential.

Obviously, there are a lot of bills around that tackle this -issue- around the country, so what makes this -hearing and vote different?-

For the first time in recorded industry history, the National Cabaret Association, The Community Defense Councel (the guys who are working to pass all the anti-industry ordiances along with the National Family Legal Foundation) and Kim Drake (the ex-entertainer who now spends her life trying to -save' women from their anti-female actions and men from the -dangers- of pornography)

Second, the industry, with NCA assistance, WON.

Third, the CDC and myself, held informal talks on the steps of the Idaho Legislature, and have agreed to talk again in an effort to find middle grounds to help work together to address concerns that both sides raised in the debate.

A story about the debate and conversation will be published in Sunday's trade fax. Please remember to turn on your faxes between 9 PM and Midnight (Pacific Time).

This letter was received from Tom Gorman, from Nova Products: 1 800 544 4866:

Hi Mike!

This is a little thing I put together that I'm going to start sending out with our shipments and encouraging all our customers to make copies of and to hand out to all their customers. I avoided making it sound too Adult Industry oriented. Let me know what you think. I'll drop a hard copy in with that article about bush I told you about. Came to find out that the article is the second chapter of Milly Ivins and Lou Dubose' book, "Shrub" The Short But Happy Political Life of George W. Bush". I picked it up last night. It's a quick read, so I recommend you pick up a copy when you get a chance

Talk to you soon,

Sincerely \nTom Gorman

The Top Ten Reasons to Vote For George W. Bush

#10 - The rich have been neglected lately, so it's about time we gave them some much needed tax relief. \n#9 - I don't care if I'm much better off than I was when George W.'s dad ran the country, I HATE CLINTON! Since we couldn't get him out by wasting millions of taxpayer dollars on impeachment, then we may as well spend millions to buy the presidency for George W. \n#8 - This is a White Christian Nation* and the separation of Church and State should be abolished. Just ask Bob Jones! \n#7 - I want organized prayer back in the public schools...Christian prayers, not that Jewish or Hindu crap! \n#6 - God hates fags, so I hate fags! Gay rights should be abolished and if a gay person won't repent his/her sins, he/she should be executed. \n#5 - Sex is dirty and a sin! It is for pro-creation only and is not supposed to be fun. Anything dealing with sex outside marriage or that which is not taught in the Bible should be outlawed. \n#4 - Thou shalt not kill, so abortion should be outlawed. A woman doesn't have rights unless a man says she does! \n#3 - On the other hand, every man, woman and child should be able to own as many guns as they'd like. This way they can kill anyone stealing a car radio or something...God says that's OK! \n#2 - The Constitution should e abolished and replaced with the Bible as the law of the land.

And theNumber one reason to vote for George W. Bush... George W. = Pat Robertson and the Christian Right = God, so God for President!

Sounds far-fetched? Think about it... if George W. is elected the Religious Right will gain a foothold in the White House and could be involved in policy decisions. There may even be appointments to the Cabinet such as former Christian Coalition Head Ralph Reed, one of Bush's closest advisors. Al Gore may not be your cup of tea and you may not agree with everything on this list, but one thing is certain... we need to keep Bush and his follow Moralcrats out of the White House.

A vote against George W. Bush is a vote for separation of Church and State1

and#61623; Robertson supporters do subscribe to this idea. During the primaries for the '88 presidential elections, Robertson supporters in some states such as Arizona tried to have a resolution calling the United States a "White Christian Nation" passed as part of the Republican platform and Robertson did nothing to discourage them!

Editors Note: If you have articles to share with the community, please let us know.