New ePassporte Commerce Account: "A PayPal Alternative"

With PayPal stepping away from the adult Internet, ePassporte is only too willing to step into the breach: they have announced a new interface that opens a path to online payments for ePassporte account holders anywhere.

Called the ePassporte Commerce Account, it now allows Web merchants to collect non-recurring payments for goods and services, whether selling from an online store or collecting for an auction sale, regardless of the dollar amount.

The program's Virtual Visa is issued "within minutes online," ePassporte says, letting the buyer stay anonymous while buying online, and it's accepted around the world, issued to thousands of Netizens in over 100 countries.

If the buyer has an existing ePassporte account, all it takes to get the Commerce Account is to enter a user name and password to finalize a sale. Otherwise, the buyer is sent to a simple interface to create a Commerce Account and finish the deal.

"An ePassporte account allows for low cost, instantaneous, global, Peer-to-Peer payments," the company says. "ePassporte Account holders have the additional benefit of automatically being able to use their Virtual Visa to shop at online merchants who accept Visa."

The company adds that they've processed "millions of online, high-risk transactions and is committed to the processing needs of the online community."

An ePassporte Commerce Account is free and now available. For more information or to get in on the program, contact [email protected].