New York Porn Theater Goes Mainstream

For years, the Show World Theater was one of the prime spots for porn films and other forms of adult entertainment. But complying with New York's 60-40 law - requiring adult businesses to limit adult material to 40 percent of their total product - means the Show World has replaced their X-rated goods with independent films and way-off Broadway plays.

In fact, if you go to the Show World today, you'll see nothing of its porn history except for the quarter video-booths in the main lobby, and the mirrors, neon, red paint, and dim lighting often associated with adult establishments of yore.

For now, the Show World is presenting Chekhov Vaudevilles - early comedies and one-acts by the Russian dramatist - every weekend, in both the Go-Go Room and the Big Top Room. The Show World's former VIP Room, once known as the Triple Treat Lounge, is now the Pantheon Theater, with short plays as the main attraction, according to the New York Post.

Although the paper says many patrons aren't exactly thrilled to walk past the old peep show booths to see a play, there are others who think the porn surroundings have a peculiarly unique benefit. As artistic director Aaron Beall tells the paper, "People are always looking for live girls and wind up seeing a Chekhov play. They go 'Oh, I'm here, I might as well see something,' and they like it."