New Top Dog in Gay Porn

The Bad Boys Pool Party wasn't the only porn-filled event held on Saturday, Sept. 18. Later that evening at the swanky 360° Lounge and Bar, Great Dane Productions held one of the classiest premiere parties in gay porn history for its first major feature, Nude Science.

Brainchild of long-time popular porn star Dino Phillips (directing under the name Dane Preston), Great Dane Productions had always been a dream for Phillips. After two years of planning and hitting a few obstacles along the way, his production company is finally up and running and has definitely hit the industry with bang. Nude Science is already receiving rave reviews, and in combination with their grand premiere party proves that Great Dane Productions is well on the road to success.

"Everything went just as I wanted it," Phillips said, speaking of the soirée. "I was just loving it. Nothing went wrong."

Phillips was very happy with the venue and, in fact, hopes to have all his video premieres at 360°. "It already has such a mix of people, and the view is amazing."

Written and directed by Phillips, Nude Science is a clever gay porn version of Weird Science, centered around dolls and the creation of the perfect man. The film stars gay adult veterans such as J.T. Sloan, Peter Wilder, Joey Hart, Sam Carson, Austin, Ted Matthews and Derek Cameron, along with newcomers Gavin Michaels, Dex Banning and the very yummy Pierce Vendetta.

Shot in Phoenix, Arizona (Phillips' hometown), the video was a breeze to make, according to him. "We barbecued every night; it was really a good time," Phillips said. "And we even used - in one scene - the bar where I first met Chi Chi and got in the business. It's like everything came full circle."

Numerous gay porn VIPs were also present at the luxurious shindig, including Unzipped's John Erich, Freshman's Austin Foxxe, AVN's Jeremy Spencer and Mickey Skee, 10% Productions' Greg Nimer, Men of Odyssey's Bob East, and a multitude of porn stars such as Will Clark, Chip Noll, Colby Taylor, Dean Phoenix, Kurt Young, Spike and many of the stars of Nude Science.

One can only imagine what Great Dane Productions will cum up with next. For more information on the company visit their Website at