An up-and-coming adult entertainer has been diagnosed with HIV, according to the Adult Industry Medical Healthcare Foundation (AIM).

AIM director Sharon Mitchell says Niki Lae was detected for HIV Jan. 12 by PCR-DNA screening. She "was determined positive by confirmatory tests the following day," Mitchell says.

Mitchell credits Ed Powers Productions for insisting Lae be tested during this month's Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas before Powers would work with her. "Ed Powers knows how to use the PCR-DNA screenings to his advantage," Mitchell says.

Mitchell says Lae is new to the adult business, having worked with two people who had appeared at the East Coast Video Show last October, but "(they) were in our data base and had cleared out negative."

She says Lae had been tested in September, though AIM has not seen a copy of that test. During that time, Mitchell says, Lae had three partners - one her husband, a second another performer who cleared as negative, and Ashley Heart, whom Mitchell says has been contacted and is testing ASAP. Heart's last known negative HIV test was Sept. 9, 1999.