Swedish newcomer Ingrid Swede is due to be seen in adult video for the first time, when Tanya Hyde's London Calling premieres for Private Video in January - but the starlet who began as a stripper and strip company guide is aiming for slightly bigger game than just appearing in films.

Her dreams, she says, are "(s)uccess…and to form my own porn production company. But I have to work hard to get that."

Swede says working on Tanya Hyde's London Calling. was a good experience, considering how long it came after she decided she wanted to try adult filmmaking. "(M)y fantasy has always been to become a successful hard sex star," she says. "But I must admit that the feeling is better when you are doing it live. I mean, when you have the public surrounding you…"

She has two scenes in the film, one with three men and one with another girl, and she says the most "thrilling in sex" was being "with all of them at the same time." She also admits that she's personally as ravenous as she appears in the film.

She also admits to having a boyfriend. "He thinks I'm the best," she says, "and gives me his support. He likes it that I can make my dreams come true."