With a goal of bringing qualified buyers and sellers like attorneys, licensers, and licensees, has launched what it hopes to make the online intellectual property marketplace.

They're out to help manage intellectual properties for their owners as well as to supervise auctions, sales, licensing, registration, and related and other functions.

Intellectual property protection has become a critical hot-button issue since the cyberspace explosion especially. Issues related to it include patents, logos, trademarks, marketing, and sponsorship rights - and all of them crop up amidst the spread of cyberspace-oriented legal actions and suits. head Christine Hearst Schwarzman, herself an attorney, says the site will operate somewhat like a specialty portal, featuring a service geared toward negotiating the world of registered patents, copyrights, and trademarks - a world not every layperson understands clearly.

So far, a good number of major companies have agreed to list their intellectual property with - including Victoria's Secret, Coca-Cola, Forbes magazine, Procter & Gamble, and Pitney Bowes. And companies will license patents or trademarks through forums and other IPNetwork resources, the company says.

IPNetwork is now in demonstration mode and expects to start operating full-tilt by October's end. Their ultimate revenue goal is advertising.