Getting that particular Web image from your screen to a sheet of paper might rank only slightly behind the Chicago Cubs' pennant chances for frustration, but Hewlett-Packard hopes its new print software will take most of the frustration out of it.

HP says its new Web PrintSmart lets you save information and graphics from the Internet and then re-arrange it to print precisely as you want it. That should, if PrintSmart is indeed as good as the company says, make things simpler for would-be Web artists, imagery collectors, and even students who use the Web as heavily as they once used the encyclopaedia for homework or special projects.

"There are a number of complications but generally the printout doesn't look the way it look(ed) on the Web," says Yahoo! Internet Life senior editor Rob Bernstein, "and that is very frustrating." That's why HP is hoping PrintSmart will prove itself as a sure way to take the sting out of surfing.