NCA Endorses Pure Talent's Entertainer School

"Attention all feature dancers, house dancers, traveling house dancers and those interested in the art of strip tease.

"Pure Talent Agency's School of Dance classes begin December 6, 1999. The week long course was instructed by former "Miss Nude World" Jade St. Clair. The six day course, taught in a group format, is held Monday through Saturday. Classes start at 1 PM and run until 8. The classes includes the Art of Exotic Dance, how to master it, industry information and how to become a successful entertainer.

" 'We believe that this is the future of the industry,' " Jim Hyack said. 'We go all the way, from lectures to ensuring that if the student wants to dance while attending school, we'll work with local clubs to get them jobs.'

The registration fee for the school is as follows: Features $1,500, while House and Traveling House Dancers cost $1,000. The program is endorsed by the NCA and the - Additionally, the NCA will be producing political information to be used in he class, including an involvement manual designed to help entertainers participate in the legislative process."

Ross is in Tampa for a series of meetings relative to the ordinance to bar lap dancing in that city. Ross says the city council meets Thursday at 1pm. "Everybody from 20/20 to 35,000 people are supposed to be there," Ross says. "This is at their convention center. It's a really big thing. This meeting may go from one to midnight." Ross explained what the flap is all about between him and Charley Frey.

Ross: "Pure Talent runs a school for dancers and Jade St. Clair is one of the teachers. I wrote a story. Jasmin St. Claire and her agent Charley Frey have told me they are suing me because I printed the name [Jade St. Clair]. I spoke to them and I said if you guys have a problem with a trademark or a copyright, you guys take care of it and leave me out. I consider myself to be like any other publication. Charley said Jade St. Clair is an infringement on Jasmin St. Claire's name. I think this is really fucked that Charley would even call me and try to insinuate that he would sue me. He called my office. I called him back. He told me I 'was in the way'. I'm making a bet that Jasmin doesn't even know about this. Jasmin doesn't have the greatest image in the industry, and Charley thinks that he's a kingmaker. I think Jasmin's going to be hurt because of this. I'll tell you one thing. When somebody threatens to sue me, I turn it over immediately to my attorney and I spend money to deal with this. I want this off the table and I want an apology from them."

Frey was contacted and hadn't returned the call as of this writing. However, Jade St. Clair called. St. Clair denies that she and Jasmin have any legal tussle.

St. Clair: "We're in no hassle whatsoever. I've had a handwritten letter from her at one time stating something about the name. It was thrown in my face by some little guy at the Exotic Dancers Convention in Vegas a couple of years ago in front of numerous people. I had no idea what it was. I left it there, somebody picked it up and said it had something to do with Jasmin being really upset that I'm taking her likeness and her name. I look nothing like her. I have not had the plastic surgery she's had. I of course do not claim to be the largest gangbang or porn star whatsoever.

"Jasmin and I do not spell the name the same. She's a porn star. I'm not. I've never claimed to be a porn star. And she puts an -e on St. Claire. I don't. When we wrote her a letter back from my lawyers, basically she left it alone. Nothing happened. I don't blame Jasmin. I think it's more Charley than anything. I hope she's doing great, and I feel really bad that she's in the middle of something other people are making crazy.

"Charley's not a real fond person with me. He faxes all my clubs. He tells them he's going to sue if they use me. It's crazy. I have a file full of letters from club owners stating that he called or said this or that. Why do this to each other in this industry. We're fighting enough as it is with law.

"I wish Jasmin the best. I wish I could some day meet her. I have no qualms with her. I'm not the only girl Charley does this to. He does it to Taylor St. Claire as well. It's such a small industry. The last thing we need is all this craziness inside our industry. I'm a very positive person. I don't like confrontation. This industry has put a roof over my head. Why would I want to go against it? I want the stores to stay open. I want the clubs to stay open. And I like putting my boobs on top of guys' heads.

"My real first name is Jade. That's where Charley I guess thinks it's confusingly similar. I've advertised for years. I've got from every club I've done for three years, a 100% book-back rate. Everyone of those club owners know the difference between Jasmin and me. They know who they're booking. Trust me, Jasmin gets triple what I get. More power to her. Porn is just not my thing. I have numerous girlfriends who are in it. Some of the top girls are very dear friends of mine.

"I'm the lead instructor for Pure Talent's School [Clearwater, Fla.]. I have nothing to do with the ownership. I'll come in once a month to teach. Nikki Lynn the Sin City girl will come in to teach once in awhile. Alex Taylor who signed with Vivid will come in. Alex will tell you. She's be in the same room with me when I've been in tears because I lost a gig over Charley.

"My whole background is musical theater and dance. I'm going to be teaching house girls on how to go into the clubs and make more money and how to do it the right way. I'm also going to be teaching features how to put on shows, and for girls who don't have a lot of dance experience, just showing them certain moves and to perform better on stage, cabaret-style. This is going to be phenomenal. We'll have girls teaching pole tricks. It's going to be something to enhance the industry. We're really trying to make it awesome.

"With the attempts at closing everything down, I think we're going to go back to the full cabaret-thing. The girls who are able to perform are the ones who are going to stay busy. Of course, the porn girls always stay busy. Their names are out their like crazy."