An anonymous worker complaint has resulted in the Navy's disciplining over 500 workers at a supply depot for sending sexually-explicit e-mail on their government computers.

The Associated Press says the punishments include suspensions and reprimands in a case which began in May and involved questioning about a thousand of the Naval Inventory Control Point's five thousand civilian and military workers.

The e-mails in question are said to have included sexually explicit cartoons and photographs, as well as suggestive stories and jokes, according to a July memo obtained by the AP. "This poses a threat not only to the overall sexual harassment-free climate, but to the public trust reposed in us all to use government resources (including duty time) wisely," the memo says.

The AP says nine workers were suspended - one for 14 days, one for five, and one for seven, while 207 workers received letters of reprimand and 298 letters of "admonishment". Some dozen of the disciplined were military personnel.