Movie Premiere Party

smoking, skydiving, skateboarding, motor cross video extravaganza, Secret Agent 420, will be held Thursday night at Underground Amp at 5259 Lankershim Blvd., just north of Magnolia. The party is being sponsored by 100th Monkey Productions, and, according to publicist, Drop Tommy, admittance is to one and all. Doors open at 8pm and the premier showing of the vid is 9pm. A look at the feature suggests bring your own reefers.

Cast includes Rich Trapp, Tommy Chong, Jack Herer, Hank The Angry Dwarf, Vicca Karina, Andrew Johnson, Sarah Lilly, Steve Keeley, Delilah Stombs, Melissa Cunningham, Crystal Knight and Tess Broussard. Guy Logan directs.