'Mother of All Care Packages:' Porn For The Troops

World War II G.I.s had Betty Grable and Rita Hayworth. G.I.s fighting in Iraq stand to get something just a little more revelatory, if amateur adult entertainer and Internet radio host DJ - of DjandNikka.com and BlackKatHosting.com - has something to say about it. He's planning to send U.S. troops what he didn't have when he was on military deployment a decade ago: favorite porn stars and magazines.

"We can put weapons in the hands of an 18 year old and tell him to go kill the enemy, but you can't look at pictures of naked women while doing it? I think they can handle it," DJ said, calling on adult entertainers, on- and offline, to donate their best photos for the troops.

"I got to thinking back to 1991 and how I felt having been away from my loved ones and everything familiar to me for one year and eight months," DJ told TopProTalent.com. "And what an impact each and every letter that I received of support from what had been an anonymous individual who took the time to put their thoughts on paper and send them out to any soldier willing to read them."

The project was kicked off when DJ got a call from the Persian Gulf deployment asking for just one thing - copies of Playboy. DJ's intention was to send just that, until something else struck him, he told TopProTalent: "Playboy, while wonderful in it's own right, is so impersonal. But I figure with the number of Web girls that I know and the number of porn stars that I have met, I should be able to do something better than just Playboy.

"If I could get every female that I can reach in the adult industry, Web girls, video stars, all of them, to send 2 - 4 of their best high-quality digital images with their URLs (if they have one), I could print these images up and put together the Mother of All Care Packages," DJ said. "Besides, these pictures will be like cigarettes in prison!"

TopProTalent said DJ's taking a big risk, considering the military's strict rules against porn starting in basic training: New recruits are immediately relieved of any adult materials they might carry with them, and they're not allowed to buy such material on their liberty days. But DJ, TopProTalent noted, "is volunteering to be their outside hookup."

Web and video porn women who want to help get the troops through, can send their images with URL to [email protected]. Autographs on the images are always welcome - not to mention autographed DVDs and videos, if you have them to spare.