Most Sexually Active Cities: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

CHATSWORTH, Calif.Men’s Health magazine, that hotbed of publishing virility, has conducted yet another survey on sex, this time in an attempt to determine the most sexually active cities in the nation. Austin, Texas, comes in first; Portland, Maine, logs in at 100.

The survey is contained in the October issue, but results are available online now!

The editors use somewhat different criteria to asses the rankings: condom sales, birth rates and STD rates. Somehow, the combination of the three is supposed to result in a list of sex-happy cities and less sex-happy cities. People will argue over the results for years to come, but for the time being, Texans will no doubt wave their state flags proudly, claiming the first two spots—Dallas comes in second.

“Texas towns haven't fared well in a few of our past rankings, having been included among the Fattest and the Drunkest U.S. cities,” wrote the editors. “But this time is different. When we calculated national nookie rates, several Lone Star State cities came out on top. Maybe they took our previous rankings to heart—you'll have more sex if you sober up and slim down.

An online look at the results can be found here.